Email Marketing

Email still receives around 30 times the ROI on average and should definitely be considered as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Your email campaign will be fully measurable
Send specific messages to specific segments of your data
You have the ability to really personalise your message
Results are seen immediately

Discover How To Get Your Email Message Across


Email marketing has been used as a campaign tool for sometime, and still remains a vital means of communicating with existing and potential customers.

Following best practices and tried and tested formulas we can create tailored email marketing campaigns based on your business objective and target audience.

We’ll create great looking emails which will be responsive, reach your target audience, contain compelling copy which will encourage clicks and be delivered in optimal time.

You’ll have fantastic looking emails to enhance your brand, get your message across and get your customers converting.

Zendo Marketing Ltd
Brightfield Business Hub
Bakewell Road
Orton Southgate
PE2 6XU 

T: 07727 193019

(c) 2024 Zendo Marketing Ltd
Registered in England & Wales | 13660193 All rights reserved